The Pond's Edge
“The Pond’s Edge” debuted at the Art Santa Fe Show in Santa Fe, New Mexico across the street from The Georgie O’Keefe Museum in July 2023 and is a 36 x 36 inch acrylic painting on gallery wrapped canvas. It was inspired by long walks around the many ponds and waterways around mid Michigan where the sounds of frogs, robins, crickets and geese bring a peace to a busy mind. The pond’s edge is where we go to gain inspiration and calm.
“The Pond’s Edge” debuted at the Art Santa Fe Show in Santa Fe, New Mexico across the street from The Georgie O’Keefe Museum in July 2023 and is a 36 x 36 inch acrylic painting on gallery wrapped canvas. It was inspired by long walks around the many ponds and waterways around mid Michigan where the sounds of frogs, robins, crickets and geese bring a peace to a busy mind. The pond’s edge is where we go to gain inspiration and calm.
“The Pond’s Edge” debuted at the Art Santa Fe Show in Santa Fe, New Mexico across the street from The Georgie O’Keefe Museum in July 2023 and is a 36 x 36 inch acrylic painting on gallery wrapped canvas. It was inspired by long walks around the many ponds and waterways around mid Michigan where the sounds of frogs, robins, crickets and geese bring a peace to a busy mind. The pond’s edge is where we go to gain inspiration and calm.